Cinematic and Narrative ideas

I could create a story based on what I have done within quarantine or how life has changed since then, with a narration in the background, talking about how life feels now and how things used to be, comparing the two. I could use shots based on the surrounding area. For example, I could use the fence for something like a high angle shot or I could use other outdoor furniture to achieve different angles and perspectives. Part of this idea does focus on mostly my experiences however other people and animals will exist within the film in the background. I could also talk the nature found around my residence whilst also talking about what I have been doing over these days, discussing how I've been spending time and how my life has changed ever since quarantine began, how my usual day has altered now that I don't really have to move to a place before a specific time or have to immediately get ready at a random interval. Another thing I could do is utilize any of my other film making equipment to better a scene in some way. I could also use the weather in some way to better a scene using pathetic fallacy or as a plot point in someway to get the main part of the story going. I could also implement my garden or the forest beside my house and other things within my relatively limited outdoors area. I could additionally use the fact that the woods is basically inaccessible to my advantage by using the undisturbed wildlife as footage for the film. Another thing I could show myself playing some games, reading outside, etc and I could give some commentary on what is happening or any extra details on things not shown on camera such as all the other struggles and tensions in the world, etc. Perhaps I could also film the wildlife or incorporate it in some way. I could also film how life in my has changed for me and many others since the quarantine for better(not much unfortunately) and for worse. I could use as time lapse to help further this idea of how times and lives have changed. One thing I could try is film in multiple different locations to try and get different aspects of my life whilst in quarantine to better exemplify what has changed due to the isolation and how I've had to alter my lifestyle to accommodate the changes. I could also discuss how events have had to change in order to comply with the rules of quarantine.


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