The genre of film I selected is the rather successful and entertaining superhero genre. In recent times, the superhero genre has reached new heights of success, with Avengers Endgame making 2,790,200,000 dollars at the box office and dethroning 2009's Avatar as the highest grossing movie of all time. Considering these feats, I believe it is obvious that many find this genre to be lucrative and entertaining. As to why I enjoy this genre: First of all, I enjoy the fact that good always triumphs over evil, not because of the fact evil is concurred but the way that the defeat of an antagonist is achieved. For example, what around them can they utilise to defeat their foe? What weapon in their arsenal can they utilise in a strategic method to combat their enemies? You see, its the journey of defeating the villain , not the destination, though both are rather satisfying when seen together. It's moments like these that make people (like my father), enjoy these movies. Second of all,...
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