Pan's Labyrinth

The cinematography used within the scene where by Ofelia is being pursued by Vidal into the titular labyrinth, has several different effects upon the audience and on the story as a whole. For example, the low key lighting found within the scene helps to convey the suspense and mystery of the fate of the baby and or Ofelia's fate should Vidal catch up to our protagonist before she can complete the fawn's plan. The low key lighting also helps to convey the idea that the three of them have entered the fantasy realm as similar lighting is also used when Ofelia is inside the labyrinth and whenever the fawn is around. This lighting can also be found within Ofelia's trials, which could suggest that Vidal is the final beast that she must concur before she can leave the single minded and fascist world that she had had to endure throughout the film and her life, and finally enter a world without prejudice and wonder. Almost like her afterlife as it were. This possible interpretation ...